I am looking for recognition in the world as a pioneer for my contribution to engineering science
Turta V. G., 66 years old, single, author of a scientific discovery, a world leader
in the creation of Industrial AI. Created the world’s first expert system in 1987.
the world’s first prototype of an intelligent system in 2006 . many other projekts.
I am looking for recognition in the world as a pioneer for my contribution to engineering science.
I propose a startup AICUT, the world’s first cyber-technologist for lathe, capable of replacing
a specialist in production https://youtu.be/5_DHHhDZZ_4 in Russian
for the reader in English.
It will make your country the home of the world’s first cyber technologist.
This is a huge market! In Russia, I have been subjected to humiliation, insults and threats to my
life for many years. I became a victim of fraud for a large sum, as well as a victim of theft
of intellectual property by Rostec and Rosatom.
A year and a half before my retirement,
I was left without means of support, forced to resign from the company. I will consider the
offer of permanent residence in your country.